
Sunday, November 06, 2005

What's the deal with Wretch?

I am updating my blogroll, and of course, Wretch is perhaps the leading Taiwan alternative to the main bloghosting services like Typepad and Blogspot. Problem is that Wretch's color schemes are horrible -- the prose is invariably a color that is too light for the background and difficult to see. Take this blog, for example. What's the story?


  1. i agree. i don't know why taiwanese blogging services have weird templates. most of the time i have a difficulty reading the text.

    blogs.webs-tv is similar to in that respect too. i have friends who use that service and the text is somewhat difficult to read because it doesn't stand out from the background.

  2. Wretch is, from my own experience and that of my students, Taiwan's equivalent of (a.k.a., Both seem to be built on the same shitty template platform that allows the kids to play around with colors and sounds (their fav mp3s and stuff) that rule their lives. Don't include it!!

  3. Although Wretch's design is not very good, you can look for many things/friends from this system. And many students use it right now.


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