
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Exhibition on Taiwanese Resistance to Japan Opens in China

People's Daily Online edition reports on more propaganda from Beijing:

An exhibition on Taiwanese resistance against Japanese aggression six decades ago opened in Beijing Monday.

More than 400 people from China and abroad including Yu Mu-ming, chairman of the Taiwan-based New Party, and Zhang Meiying, vice chairwoman of the Central Committee of China Democratic League, attended the opening ceremony in the National Museum.

The heroic Taiwanese did not yield to the atrocious rule of the Japanese aggressors in half a century, and they contributed to the final victory over the Japanese aggression, said Chen Yunlin, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee at the ceremony.

"Their deeds will be recorded in Chinese history forever," he said.

He also called on Taiwan compatriots to remember the history and carry forward the patriotism to oppose Taiwan independence and build peaceful and stable relations across the Taiwan Straits.

"Let's strive for the peaceful reunification and rejuvenation of China," he said.

More than 160 photos and 28 articles are on show in a 700-square-meter hall of the museum, including a sword, a party flag and a Chinese brush pen which were used in the war against Japanese aggression.

The two-week exhibition is sponsored by the Department of Publicity of the CPC Central Committee, the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC, Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, one of the non-Communist parties in China, and the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots.

I especially like the part about the "Chinese brush pen" that was used in the war against Japanese aggression. The mind boggles at the uses to which it could be put.

"Poor fella. Look how he died."
"Damn! Look he's got a pen there?"


Meanwhile the Asahi Shimbun, remarking on this event, describes China's weird Taiwan policy:

The ceremony marked the first time Beijing has celebrated the 1945 liberation of Taiwan. And it wasn't without a shot at Japan.

"A small number of Japanese militarists who surrendered in 1945 are plotting to make Taiwan an independent country," said Jia. "They invited some pro-independent (Taiwanese) people to Japan to help their activities."

Even former archenemy, the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), is getting the red carpet treatment.

I wonder when we'll see a public admission of the truth that nobody here wants to be part of China.

Don't miss the totally slanted history of Taiwanese resistance to Japan at the People's Daily.

On the ideological and cultural front, Taiwan's people of lofty ideals all along carried out anti-Japanese publicity and struggle with their brushes instead of swords. In the early period there were first the anti-Japanese literary "three heroes"--Qiu Fengjia, Hong Qisheng and Lian Heng; later there were Lai He, "Father of Taiwan New Literature", as well as Zhang Wojun, Wu Zhuliu, Yang Kui, Jiang Weishui, etc. They opposed Japanese colonial rule and objected the education aimed to turn Chinese into subjects of Japanese imperial rulers, they carried forward national culture and exhibited noble national spirit. By reviewing this phase of history, people can see that the recovery of Taiwan is the result of the common struggles carried out by compatriots on both sides of the Straits who had the same enemy and hatred and helped each other. Compatriots across the Straits are of one blood, have the same fate and share weal and woe. This is another historical fact shown by the recovery of Taiwan.

I think I feel breakfast coming back up....

1 comment:

  1. Those great "Chinese" patriots in Japanese-ruled Taiwan were just pining away for the days when they were a backwater of a Manchu empire...?


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