
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Respected UK Think Tank say London Bombings Linked to Iraq

A respected UK think tank says that the London bombings are Linked to UK involvement in Iraq.

Britain's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to the terrorist attacks in London, a respected independent think tank on foreign affairs, the Chatham House organization, said yesterday.

According to the body, which includes leading academics and former civil servants among its members, the key problem in the UK for preventing terrorism is that the country is "riding as a pillion passenger with the United States in the war against terror."

No shit? Really? What next? Is the think tank doing to discover agriculture, fire, and toolmaking?


  1. obvious isn't it - but why are that straw man and his boss denying it - calling the link an 'excuse for terrorism'? I am glad we don't have much time for the US here.

  2. Of course there's a link, but what is the MAIN ROOT CAUSE of these acts of terrorism?
    Could it be Islamic fundamentalism? And why aren't we hearing much condemnation of these terrorist acts? All we're hearing is, 'I told you so', and 'I blame Bush/Blair.'
    Oh, what do I know? I'm not a respected Think Tank.

  3. I don't know. What is the main root cause? I agree that it is in large part Islam, and of course, the palestinian problem. But bottom line: there'd be no bombs going off in London subways if Blair hadn't been stupid enough to go down with our ship in Iraq.


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