Friday, October 06, 2006

Taichung by Day and Night

Tuesday night and Wednesday morn I was at the university with the Olympus and decided to see how things looked through the 14X telephoto. Pretty damn good, I'd say.

Looking north across Wufeng and Taiping.

The foreshortening makes the crowding look even more dramatic.

Looking west across Tatu Mountain.

Downtown Taichung.

Looking due west between Taichung and Changhua.

Taichung city.

A close-up.

Another one.

Some of my first year econ students demanded that I take their picture. So here it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damm ... the picture you took is more beautiful than what really look like.

It's been a long time haven't visit your blog.

I get to say "Happy Moon Festival" to you and your family

It's a holiday for family BBQ, wish you don't eat 2 much!!